Monday, March 2, 2009

Flags and Rumples

Poor Emma.  So deprived.  I think this past Saturday night was only the third stormy night of her life.  We had a very windy day.  The dogwood tree laying atop Mrs. Becky's garage was about the most impressive part of it.  We were in the yard when it fell.  Well, actually, it just sort of laid down, but it scared the girls.  Then after dark, the storms finally began to arrive.  The kids sat in the dark (by choice) in the living room watching the lightning flash (Emma: "flag") and listening to the thunder rumble (Emma: "rumple").  It was a pleasant evening.

I believe that we are all finally well.  After the girls' flu episode, I experienced the condensed version.  I had the same signs and symptoms as the girls (minus any fever), but I did it all in four days as opposed to the girls' eight days.

I just want to stop for a moment and say that I try and try to appreciate how blessed I am.  I have the world's most wonderful wife and the world's most wonderful kids.  I love them all so much and am so proud of them.  And I also want to add how much we all love this congregation and the wonderful years we have had here.  God truly is good.

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